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Rumble at the Old Oak Tree at VIR 2025

Club Race

Event Information

Hosted by Porsche Club of America
Registrar / 301.247.4588
Location Virginia International Raceway
Event Dates 03/21/25 - 03/23/25
Registration Dates 02/03/25 08:00 PM (opens)
(central time zone)

03/16/25 11:59 PM (closes)
(central time zone)
Description Please join us for the “Rumble at the Old Oak Tree” at VIR, sponsored by Porsche Club of America.  Recognized as one of the top racetracks in North America, PCA will be hosting the club race on the full course at Virginia International Raceway in Alton, Virginia.

March 21 - 23, 2025

You will not want to miss this year’s exciting spring event that includes 3 great days of racing, southern hospitality, and for the first time at VIR the races will be broadcast by DriversEye Live! for the premier, mid-Atlantic PCA Club Race. 

Live Streaming on the PCA National’s YouTube channel
. Subscribe to the channel and set up notifications via

Live Streaming for the races is also on live stream page at

The embedded links will update once the races are live. Please share this fantastic news with your friends, family and other racers who can't attend.

The optional Live Streaming Driver Bio Form for Race registrants is at: This information will be used by the livestreaming announcing team to chat about you and your awesome racing.

No sound restrictions at this event. 

The format will be two Sprint races plus a 90 minute Enduro with early completion on Sunday. Vintage class cars have their third Sprint Race on Sunday.

The Vintage/Air Cooled Run Group will include 356, 911, 912 ,914, 930, 964, and 993 cars - Years included are from 1998 and prior. 

The races at this Club Race will earn points towards
- 2025 PCA Clubsport Series presented by Pirelli
- 2025 PCA National Championship Points Series

Want more track time?
Before the weekend: David Murry Track Days - Wednesday - Thursday, March 19 - 20
. This is NOT a PCA event. For more information see the attached flyer or

On Sunday following the last Enduro: Participate in the three-hour open track event as part of the Advanced Solo HPDE on Sunday afternoon. See Event Description - Sunday Advanced HPDE (following the last Enduro) for details

Tire Support:

Frisby Performance Tire (800) 798-7201 or
Orders must be received by Wednesday, March 8th..

Appalachian Race Tire. Contact John Harris at Appalachian Race Tire, 865-681-6622, Orders must be received by Wednesday, March 5th.

Hankook Motorsports Orders:
website:  Orders must be received by Wednesday, March 5th.

Chair: Phil Grandfield 203.733.1470
Registrar: Scott Hoffman 301.247.4588

HPDE Registrar: Kira Mellups
Agreement I understand that my registration for this Club Race event will not be confirmed until payment is received and I have submitted all required paperwork and requested information which may include (but is not limited to) on-line waivers, log book information, guest information, and team information. Any 'special circumstances' regarding fee payment should be brought to the attention of the event registrar immediately.

All PCA Club Race registrants are required to sign, as part of this registration, the PCA Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement for the Club Race portion of the weekend. 

I understand that I and all of my guests and crew may be required to sign track waivers at the track gate in order to receive the track/general event wristbands and gain admittance to the track property. Unless replaced by your Club Race Run Group wristband(s), the track issued wristbands must be worn at all times while on track property. Minor waivers are required for all attendees who are minors (anyone under the age of 18). Please review the event file: Minor Waivers 2025.

All PCA Club Race registrants are then required to complete at-track registration to receive Run Group wristband(s). 

This event is held under the current PCA Club Racing Rules. I agree to abide by the PCA Club Racing Rules and the supplementary regulations of this event.

All PCA Club Race registrants are required to have a current PCA Club Racing License (or approved New License Application), current Medical Forms (on-file in the PCA Club Racing Office), and a current PCA Membership. (New License Applications must be received by the Club Racing Program Coordinator three weeks prior to the event.)

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the organizers of this event and their agents, with respect to the condition and preparation of my registered car, or any subsequent failure or damage to my registered car or its occupants as a result of such failures. 

I acknowledge that at all times I remain solely responsible for the safety and roadworthiness of my registered car. 

My at-track registration signifies that my registered car information is complete and accurate and that my car has a current valid Club Racing log book. Incorrect information may cause me to be black-flagged from the track.

All Rookie Candidates and First Time Provisionals for whom this will be their first PCA Club Race MUST attend the Orientation Meeting. Others may be required to attend by invitation. All those required to attend will be notified as to the time, place, and date. Confirmation of attendance is required.

I agree that I am required to reimburse Porsche Club of America for any fees or physical damage to the track or its facilities caused by myself, my crew, and my guests and that these are not covered in my registration fee. Payment is due upon invoice.

The points races at this Club Race will earn points towards the 2025 PCA Club Racing National Championship Points Series and 2025 PCA Clubsport Series presented by Pirelli.

On track Incidents: I understand that the track’s assigned corner workers during this event may possibly err and call in a car as having “contact” with track property such as barriers, signs, fences, etc., and this will automatically lead to charges to PCA.  If a driver has any close calls such as a spin near a barrier, tire wall etc., please bring your video to the stewards for review so we can negate any future track charges for a non-contact incident.

Damages: I understand that I am required to reimburse PCA for any fees or physical damage to the track or its facilities caused by myself, my crew, and my guests and that these are not covered in my registration fee.  Payment is due by check upon invoice.

Medical Observation: I understand that an incident including contact or impact may result in the VIR Emergency Medical Services personnel asking a driver to stay under their observation for a minimum time (usually thirty minutes).  By VIR safety rules, leaving their observation early may result in expulsion from the track property.

Medical Transport: I also understand that in the unlikely event a driver, crew member, or guest is transported to a medical facility via ambulance or helicopter, and PCA is billed by the track, PCA will forward the invoice to the registered driver for reimbursement (by check) for any medical transport services.

Full refund minus $100 processing fee if cancelled on or before Thursday, March 13, 2025
No refunds if cancelled after Thursday, March 13, 2025. Please notify the Registrar as soon as possible if there are extenuating circumstances when canceling late. Registrar email is

Event Options

Event Options Fee
Sprint PRIMARY Driver
Two Sprint Races. Please select this option if you are the primary driver and will be driving in the correct Sprint Race class. This option also includes an embroidered event Hooded Sweatshirt. Extra event sweatshirts are available for purchase.
Sprint CO-Driver
Two Sprint Races. Please use this option if you are the 2nd driver in shared Sprint Race car and will drive out of class. This option also includes an embroidered event Hooded Sweatshirt.. Extra event sweatshirts are available for purchase.
Enduro PRIMARY Driver
90 Minute Enduro Race. Please use this option if you are the primary driver in the Enduro Race. This option requires a Sprint Race Registration. The Vintage Run Group will not have an Enduro - they will have a 3rd Sprint Race and should not select this option.
Enduro CO-Driver
90 Minute Enduro Race. Please use this option ONLY if you are the 2nd driver in shared Enduro Race car. This option requires a Sprint Race Registration in your own car.
Enduro ONLY CO-Driver
90 Minute Enduro Race. Please use this option only if you are the 2nd driver in shared Enduro Race car AND you are NOT registered for the Sprint Race in your own car. This option also includes an embroidered event Hooded Sweatshirt. Extra event sweatshirts are available for purchase. The Vintage Run Group will not have an Enduro - they will have a 3rd Sprint Race and should not select this option.
Saturday Evening Happy Hour/Podium Awards Ceremony ticket
Happy Hour Wings, Beer, and Wine! For racers, family, crew, and guests. Not included with racer registration
Sunday Advanced HPDE (following the last Enduro)
For registered racers ONLY. Four hours of open track after the last Enduro. Run under HPDE Rules.
Driver Embroidered Event Hooded Sweatshirt
Drivers should select size here
EXTRA Driver Embroidered Event Sweatshirt
For family, crew, and friends

Event Files

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